After attending a Twin Peaks wedding outside of Seattle, I took a drive south, intent on visiting Portland for a few days. I’ve had good times in Portland previously, including one of the two ‘Best Beers I’ve Ever Had’*. but hadn’t been back in years. I decided to set up in the old downtown area, where most places are within easy walking distance. Walking is good, even better than public transport, as it puts no limit on the number of cocktails you can try on a given night. Well, no limits beyond the biological.
Having done some online research, I came up with a couple of places to try, Clyde Common and the Teardrop Cocktail Lounge. Strolling out of my hotel, I quickly found Clyde Common with aid of iPhone GPS. It is in the Ace Hotel, Portland edition, and looked crowded, so I walked on, intent on giving the Teardrop my first taste.